Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fact Families

This template is designed to reinforce the notion that families live together in a house. The smaller two addends are written in each window. The larger number (the sum) is written on the door. Students use the 3 family numbers to write 2 addition sentences and 2 subtraction sentences.

Students will need lots of modeling and guided practice to transition to writing the numerals in the correct spots and using the numbers correctly to form the four number sentences in the fact family. Students usually have difficulty remembering to use the larger number first in the subtraction sentences. Some students benefit from reminders to use the door number first.

Checking their work: All students should be reminded to check their work to make sure that each number sentence is correct and that they have only used the three numbers in the number fact family. Teachers may ask students to check off or color in a bush for each fact that they check, using the bushes as a prompt to self-monitor and check their work.

Center Activity: Provide templates and dry erase markers at the center. Write fact families on index cards for student use. Be sure to include some mixed-up families where the sum is in the middle, for instance, so that students have practice sorting out the numbers to use them correctly in the template and in the number sentences.


Fact Families Download

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